- Sadiq Ali
- Joan Enric Barceló
- Albert Bel
- Ning Chang
- Jose A. del Peral-Rosado
- J. Joaquín Escudero Garzás
- David Gomez-Casco
- Esteban Gutiérrez
- Anna Kolomijeca
- Sergi Locubiche
- Vicente Lucas-Sabola
- Marti Manosas-Caballu
- Rafael Montalban
- Rubén Morales-Ferré
- Moisés Navarro Gallardo
- Juan Manuel Parro-Jiménez
- Olivier Renaudin
- Husnain Shahid
- Arash Shahmansoori
- Jordi Vilà-Valls

Former member
- email:
- olivier.renaudin at uab.es
- phone:
- +34 93 581 8594
- fax:
- N/A
- office:
- QC-3105
Dpt. Telecommunications and Systems Engineering
Engineering School
Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona
Bellaterra 08193 - Barcelona (Spain)
Olivier Renaudin received the Electrical Engineering degrees from both the Ecole Nationale Supérieure d’Electronique, Informatique et Radiocommunications de Bordeaux (ENSEIRB) and the Université Bordeaux 1, Bordeaux, France, respectively, in 2006, and the Ph.D. degree in experimental characterization of the radio propagation channel for vehicle-to-vehicle communication systems from the Université Catholique de Louvain (UCLouvain), Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium, in 2013.
From May 2014 to May 2016, he continued this work as a Postdoctoral Researcher with the Wireless Devices and Systems Group, University of Southern California (USC), Los Angeles, CA, USA, focus more specifically on vehicle-to-vehicle communications in mixed passenger-freight convoys. From June 2016 to June 2018, he worked as a research scientist at the Austrian Institute of Technology (AIT), Vienna, Austria, on ray-tracing solutions for Bluetooth-based indoor localization applications. From September 2018 to October 2022, he was as a Postdoctoral researcher at the Signal Processing for Communications & Navigation Group, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (UAB), Spain.
Research interests
His research interests include the experimental characterization and the modeling (high-resolution parameter estimation, geometry-based stochastic channel models, ray-tracing) of radio propagation channels in vehicle-to-X or indoor environments, performance evaluation at the PHY layer, signal processing with applications to communications and navigation as well as GNSS receivers.
Recent publications
- I. Lapin, G. Seco-Granados, J. Samson, O. Renaudin, F. Zanier, L. Ries, "STARE: Real-Time Software Receiver for LTE and 5G NR Positioning and Signal Monitoring", ESA Workshop on Satellite Navigation User Equipment Technologies (NAVITEC), Apr 07 2022, [link].
- O. Renaudin, J. A. Lopez-Salcedo, G. Seco-Granados, I. Lapin, F. Zanier, L. Ries, "TOA Error Bounds for Positioning in 5G New Radio Networks", Proc. ION GNSS+, Sep 23 2021, [link].
- I. Lapin, G. Seco-Granados, O. Renaudin, F. Zanier, L. Ries, "Joint Delay and Phase Discriminator Based on ESPRIT for 5G NR Positioning", IEEE Access, vol. 9, pp. 126550-126563, Sep 10 2021, [link].
- J. A. del Peral-Rosado, F. Gunnarsson, S. Dwivedi, S. Modarres, O. Renaudin, J. A. Lopez-Salcedo, G. Seco-Granados, "Exploitation of 3D city maps for hybrid 5G RTT and GNSS positioning simulations", in Proc. IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP), May 05 2020, [link].
- J. A. del Peral-Rosado, O. Renaudin, C. Gentner, R. Raulefs, E. Dominguez-Tijero, A. Fernandez-Cabezas, F. Blazquez-Luengo, G. Cueto-Felgueroso, A. Chassaigne, D. Bartlett, F. Grec, L. Ries, R. Prieto-Cerdeira, J. A. Lopez-Salcedo, G. Seco-Granados, "Physical-Layer Abstraction for Hybrid GNSS and 5G Positioning Evaluations", Proc. IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC) Fall, Sep 22 2019, [link].
- J. A. del Peral-Rosado, G. Seco-Granados, R. Raulefs, D. Dardari, E. Lohan, H. Wymeersch, O. Renaudin, et al., "Whitepaper on New Localization Methods for 5G Wireless Systems and the Internet-of-Things", COST Action CA15104, 25 pages, Apr 01 2018, [link].