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Research: R+D projects
The SPCOMNAV group participates in the following R+D projects:
- (ESA) SINGPOS - Smart City Single-Node Positioning Testbed
- Period: 03/2022 - 03/2023.
- Funding source: European Space Agency (ESA).
- Reference: ESA AO/2-1813/21/NL/CRS/mkn.
- Objectives: The purpose of the project is to demonstrate 5G/FR2 positioning with a single node by means of a design, development and experimental validation of a single-station positioning testbed. Such testbed employs representative uplink 5G, V2I, and NB-IoT waveforms using software-defined radios (SDRs). The positioning is achieved by combining the angle-of-arrival (AOA) measurements of the user uplink signal and the round-trip time (RTT) between the user and the station.
- Partners: Loctio (Greece).
- (ESA) DIVAL - Multipath and Spoofing Mitigation in Handheld Devices with Diversity Algorithms
- Period: 02/2022 - 08/2023.
- Funding source: European Space Agency (ESA).
- Reference: ESA AO/1-10909/21/NL/MGu.
- Objectives: The objective of this project is to investigate signal processing algorithms for multipath, spoofing and interference mitigation that rely on the use of multiple antennas at the receiver side and that are suitable for implementation in a handheld device. The selected techniques will be implemented in a hardware testbed representative of a small size and a medium size handheld device (i.e. smartphone and tablet).
- Partners: GMV (Portugal).
- (ESA) OCTOPOS - Enabling Technologies for Advanced Position-Navigation-Timing Ground Support Networks
- Period: 02/2022 - 08/2023.
- Funding source: European Space Agency (ESA).
- Reference: ESA AO/1-10880/21/NL/CRS/mkn.
- Objectives: The goal of this project is to develop a testbed for the remote monitoring of GNSS and LEO satellites. The testbed is composed of a set of single-antenna remote radio heads (RRH) for LEO monitoring, and multi-antenna RRH for GNSS signal gathering with interference mitigation capabilities. The digital samples gathered at the RRHs are sent through the Internet to a remote processing facility where signal processing and performance assessment is carried out for GNSS, and signal quality monitoring for detecting potential anomalies is carried out for LEO satellites.
- Partners: Airbus (Germany), Loctio (Greece).
- SGR2021 - Recognized and Funded Consolidated Research Group
- Period: 01/2022 - 12/2024.
- Funding source: Generalitat de Catalunya.
- Reference: 2021 SGR 0737.
- Objectives: The government of Catalonia has recognized and funded SPCOMNAV as consolidated research group.
- GGCAR-PoC - Proof of Concept for Accurate and Precise Positioning in Vehicular Environments based on GNSS and 5G Systms
- Period: 12/2021 - 11/2023.
- Funding source: Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation.
- Reference: PID2020-118984GB-I00.
- Objectives: To develop an end-to-end positioning software platform combining GNSS with 5G, and to validate it using live signals gathered with SDR.
- (ESA) EGNOS NEXT - EGNOS Evolutions System Engineering (EGNOS NEXT PHASE 0/A1)
- Period: 09/2021 - 09/2023.
- Funding source: European Space Agency (ESA).
- Reference: H2020-ESA-044.
- Objectives: UAB contribution to this project is to introduce a new SBAS-E5b signal design that can be independently used from SBAS-L1 and -L5 signals. The objective is to define a new E5b signal, under a specified envelope, that can be used in applications beyond the aviation domain, such as in trains, boats, cars, etc., which are not governed by the stringent aviation requirements.
- Partners: GMV (Spain).
- (ESA) LEO_PNT_User - Proof of Concept of User Segment Technologies for Complementary LEO System
- Period: 02/2021 - 01/2023.
- Funding source: European Space Agency (ESA).
- Reference: ESA AO/1-10372/20/NL/CRS.
- Objectives: UAB contribution deals with the design, development and testing of the baseband algorithms for the acquisition and tracking of new LEO-PNT signals.
- Partners: Thales (France), Orolia (France), Saphyrion (Switzerland).
- GGIoT - Positioning for Internet of Things based on 5G/6G, low-energy GNSS and LEO PNT
- Period: 01/2021 - 12/2023.
- Funding source: Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation, Fundamental R+D+I program.
- Reference: PID2020-118984GB-I00.
- Objectives: To explore the integration of 5G/6G, low-energy GNSS and LEO PNT in order to cope with the challenges and needs of users in the IoT domain.
- (EC) Test Platform on Galileo HAS, CAS and OSNMA
- Period: 01/2021 - 01/2023.
- Funding source: European Commission (EC).
- Reference: EC No DEFIS/2020/OP/0002.
- Objectives: To study and test the benefits that can be obtained from the Galileo High Accuracy Service (HAS), Commercial Authentication Service (CAS) and Open Service Navigation Message Authentication (OSMA) service, in standalone mode or in combination with other technologies for improving the Position, Navigation and Timing (PNT) performance and robustness.
- Partners: GMV (Spain), Qascom (Italy).
- (GSA) OSNMAplus – Enhanced GNSS Receiver/User Terminal
- Period: 12/2020 - 12/2022.
- Funding source: European GNSS Agency (GSA).
- Reference: GSA/GRANT/03/2019.
- Objectives: To design, develop, test and demonstrate a close-to-market enhanced GNSS receiver fully compatible with the latest Galileo Open Service Signal In Space Interface Control Document (SIS-ICD) including I/NAV improvements and the use of the Open Service Navigation Message Authentication (OSNMA).
- Partners: Qascom (Italy), UAV Navigation (Spain).
- (ESA) Moon GNSSW-HS – Earth-Moon Navigation / System Study and Development of a Highly-Sensitive Spaceborne Receiver Prototype
- Period: 06/2020 - 12/2020.
- Funding source: European Space Agency (ESA).
- Reference: ESA NAVISP Element 1 023.
- Objectives: The objective of this project is to study the use of multi-constellatioin GNSS for Earth-Moon navigation and to develop a prototype of a GNSS spaceborne receiver that might be used in future Lunar missions. UAB contributes to this activity by developing a software emulator providing realistic pseudorange and velocity/phase observables as obtained at the output of both the acquisition and tracking stages of a GNSS spaceborne receiver.
- Partners: GMV NSL (UK).
- (ESA) INNUENDO – Enhanced GNSS Signals in Space and User Receiver Processing
- Period: 02/2020 - 08/2021.
- Funding source: European Space Agency (ESA).
- Reference: ESA ITT AO/1-9585/19/NL/CRS.
- Objectives: To investigate alternative approaches to the classic MEO-based GNSS positioning, navigation and timing. Emphasis is placed on the potential use of LEO satellites as well as on innovative techniques and signal designs to improve resilience and performance. UAB contribution focuses on the analysis of chirp spread spectrum for positioning with LEO satellites.
- Partners: LINKS (Italy), Politecnico di Torino (Italy), Airbus (Germany), University of Federal Armed Forces (Germany), Tampere University (Finland).
- (ESA) GIMAD – GNSS Interference Monitoring and Detection System
- Period: 01/2020 - 12/2020.
- Funding source: European Space Agency (ESA).
- Reference: ESA NAVISP Element 2 AO/1-8927/17/NL/MM.
- Objectives: To develop an interference detection station capable of permanently detecting potential interference sources that may hinder the safety and integrity of GNSS users. SPCOMNAV contributes to this activity by developing signal processing techniques for inteference detection using measurements from a single antenna in the GNSS band, from an antenna array in the GNSS band and from an single antenna out of the GNSS band. SPCOMNAV is also developing a prototype of a four-element antenna array that is tested using live signals gathered with a four-channels USRP NI-2955.
- Partners: Indra (Spain).
- (ESA) RF-SESMS – GNSS Reference Station Environment Monitoring Unit
- Period: 09/2020 - 03/2021.
- Funding source: European Space Agency (ESA).
- Reference: ESA Framework Contract WO4 4000121003/17/NL/AS.
- Objectives: To develop an RF site environment survey and monitoring system to monitor, characterize and model the RF environment in GNSS ground sensor stations. UAB is providing support on multipath characterization and modeling in the GNSS band.
- Partners: Indra (Spain), UPC (Spain).
- (ESA) MONITOR – Consolidation of Tools for Data Analyusis from the ESA MONITOR Network
- Period: 06/2019 - 12/2020.
- Funding source: European Space Agency (ESA).
- Reference: ESA TECEFW-SOW-013139.
- Objectives: To develop a suite of software tools for the statistical analysis of data coming from the ESA MONITOR network in order to detect and characterize scintillation events.
- (ESA) OLTBOC – Open Loop Techniques for High Sensitivity GNSS Receivers Applied to BOC Signals
- Period: 02/2019 - 02/2020.
- Funding source: European Space Agency (ESA).
- Reference: ESA ITT AO/1-9439/18/NL/CRS.
- Objectives: To investigate the potential advantages of meta-signals in front of conventional carrier phase positioning, and to develop new acquisition/tracking techniques for high-order BOC signals in challenging working conditions.
- Partners: GMVIS (Portugal).
- (ESA) HANSEL - Navigation and GNSS in Smart Cities: Testbed Concept Definition
- Period: 02/2019 - 02/2020.
- Funding source: European Space Agency (ESA).
- Reference: ESA ITT AO/1-9494/18/NL/CRS.
- Objectives: To develop a testbed to demonstrate GNSS and non-GNSS related technologies for navigation in the Smart City context.
- Partners: Rokubun (Spain), TrafficNow (Spain), ISMB (Italy), Politecnico di Torino (Italy).
- (EC) FUNTIMES2 - Future Navigation and Timing Evolved Signals 2
- Period: 12/2018 - 12/2020.
- Funding source: European Commission (EC).
- Reference: EC No 630/PP/GRO/RCH/17/9877.
- Objectives: UAB will be in charge of providing consultancy on the expected GNSS user segment technology evolution for the timeframe 2020-2040. The focus will be placed on eventual constraints imposed to the signal design by the available receiver technology as well as potential synergies with terrestrial 5G networks.
- Partners: Airbus (Germany), ENAC (France), ISMB (Italy).
- (ESA) Accurate Vehicle Localization using 5G and GNSS
- Period: 09/2018 - 08/2021.
- Funding source: European Space Agency (ESA).
- Reference: ESA 4000123584/18/NL/MH.
- Objectives: To study hybridization mechanisms for explotiting the synergies between 5G and GNSS, with application to accurate vehicle localization.
- (ESA) EGNOS V3 NLES Long Loop Algorithm
- Period: 09/2019 - 12/2021.
- Funding source: European Space Agency (ESA) through a subcontract with Indra.
- Objectives: To design, develop and test the long loop algorithm for steering the uplink signal of EGNOS V3 NLES stations.
- Prime: Airbus (France), subcontracting to Indra (Spain).
- GGCAR - Accurate and Secure Localization in Vehicular Networks Using GNSS and 5G
- Period: 01/2018 - 12/2020.
- Funding source: Fundamental R+D+I project of the Spanish Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities.
- Reference: TEC2017-89925-R.
- Objectives: To enhance the accuracy and security of GNSS receivers and to exploit 5G disruptive technologies for positioning.
- (ESA) GINTO5G - GNSS Integration into 5G Wireless Networks
- Period: 05/2018 - 11/2019.
- Funding source: European Space Agency (ESA).
- Reference: ESA ITT AO/1-9045/17/NL/AS.
- Objectives: To perform experimental and simulation studies on the positioning performance of 5G technologies, and to contribute to 5G standardization bodies.
- Partners: GMV (Spain), Telefonica (Spain), University of Oulu (Finland), DLR (Germany), u-blox (UK).
- (GSA) Integration of Fundamental Elements (Framework contract)
- Period: 02/2018 - 04/2019.
- Funding source: European GNSS Agency (GSA).
- Reference: GSA/OP/12/16.
- Objectives: Provide technical support to the GSA for the Fundamental Elements program.
- Partners: Everis (Spain), UPC (Spain), Cranfield University (UK).
- Specific contracts:
- SC2 (03/2018 - 04/2019): " Technical support to FANTASTIC, ESCAPE and OS-NMA projects."
- SC1 (02/2018 - 04/2019: "Technical consulting assistance and expertise to the GSA in the areas of rail, maritime and on-site technical support."
- (ESA) G2G Test User Rx Technologies (Framework contract)
- Period: 01/2017 - 12/2020.
- Funding source: European Space Agency (ESA).
- Reference: ESA ITT AO/1-8662/16/NL/DB.
- Objectives: To develop and test technology and breadboards for the evolution of the GALILEO Test User Segment in order to support G2G System Specification and Design.
- Partners: GMV (Spain).
- Work orders:
- WO1 (03/2018 - 09/2020): "G2G Open Service Bread-board Emulating Mass-Market Platforms".
- SGR2017 - Recognized and Funded Consolidated Research Group
- Period: 01/2017 - 12/2019.
- Funding source: Generalitat de Catalunya.
- Reference: 2017 SGR 1781.
- Objectives: The government of Catalonia has recognized and funded SPCOMNAV as consolidated research group.
- (ESA) GNSS Indoor/Outdoor Processing for Indoor Propagation Channel Characterisation
- Period: 10/2017 - 10/2018.
- Funding source: European Space Agency (ESA).
- Reference: ESA 4000122035/17/NL/AF/hh.
- Objectives: Development of a GNSS indoor/outdoor processing platform for the analysis of the GNSS indoor channel, with the aim of assessing potential applications of Galileo for the synchronization of 5G femto-cells.
- (GSA) FANTASTIC - Field Aware Navigation and Timing Authentication Sensor for Timing Infrastructure and Centimeter Level Positioning
- Period: 03/2017 - 04/2019.
- Funding source: Fundamental Elements, European GNSS Agency (GSA).
- Reference: GSA/GRANT/01/2016.
- Objectives: Study of dual-polarization versus dual-antenna techniques for improving the performance of GNSS receivers in the presence of multipath and spoofing.
- Partners: Septentrio (Belgium), Fraunhofer IIS (Germany), GMV (Spain), Instituto Superior Mario Boella (Italy).
- (ESA) SW/HW Tools for Cloud, Hybrid and 5G Positioning
- Period: 12/2016 - 10/2018.
- Funding source: European Space Agency (ESA).
- Reference: ESA RFP/3-14763/16/NL/GLC.
- Objectives: Improvements on the Cloud GNSS receiver platform, development and testing of hybridization techniques for GNSS and LTE, and contribution to 5G positioning in vehicular environments.
- (ESA) Advanced GNSS Reference Station Breadboard
- Period: 10/2016 - 07/2017.
- Funding source: European Space Agency (ESA).
- Reference: ESA GSTP 6.2 AO7935.
- Objectives: Support to the analysis of EGNOS V3 requirements and test campaign.
- Partners: Indra (Spain).
- (ESA) HOGNSS - Techniques for GNSS Navigation at High Orbits
- Period: 12/2015 - 12/2020.
- Funding source: European Space Agency (ESA).
- Reference: ESA AO/1-8349/15/NL/LF.
- Objectives: Improve the acquisition and tracking algorithms of GNSS space receivers based on the AGGA4 platform.
- (ESA) E-GNSS - Blind Signal Processing Validation and Performance Methodology Development
- Period: 10/2015 - 04/2017.
- Funding source: European Space Agency (ESA).
- Reference: ESA RFP/NC/IPL-PTE/LF/yc/757.2015.
- Objectives: UAB contributed to the development of a high-order BOC validation platform, and provided support to the upgrade of the in-orbit testing (IOT) software.
- (ESA) SCARBOC - Techniques for Subcarrier Resolution in High-Order BOC Signals and Performance Analysis in Realistic Environments
- Period: 09/2015 - 03/2017.
- Funding source: European Space Agency (ESA).
- Reference: ESA EGE ID89.18.
- Objectives: UAB contributed to the design and analysis of ambiguity mitigation techniques for high-order BOC signals.
- Partners: GMV (Spain), Tampere University of Technology (Finland).
- GGPOS - Positioning in Urban and Adverse Scenarios Using GNSS and 5G Systems
- Period: 01/2015 - 12/2017.
- Funding source: Fundamental R+D+I project of the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness.
- Reference: TEC2014-53656-R.
- Objectives: To improve the robustness of GNSS in adverse working conditions and to contribute to the design of positioning services relying on 5G.
- (ESA) Cloud GNSS Receiver
- Period: 04/2015 - 12/2015.
- Funding source: European Space Agency (ESA).
- Reference: ESTEC 4000113891/15/NL/HK.
- Objectives: UAB will develop a proof-of-concept for a high-sensitivity GNSS software receiver using distributed and Cloud computing resources powered by Amazon Web Services (AWS).
- (ESA) HiSens - Techniques for High Sensitivity Receivers
- Period: 04/2014 - 12/2017.
- Funding source: European Space Agency (ESA).
- Reference: ESTEC/ITT AO/1-7763/13/NL/AK.
- Objectives: UAB will study quasi-open loop techniques for the transition from acquisition to tracking, and closed-loop techniques for space GNSS receivers.
- Partners: GMVIS (Portugal), Ruag Space (Austria), Tecnalia (Spain).
- (ESA) Development and Test of Assistance Technologies for Navigation Receivers
- Period: 05/2014 - 04/2016.
- Funding source: European Space Agency (ESA).
- Reference: ESTEC 4000110586/14/NL/HK.
- Objectives: To support ESA in the test of GNSS receivers and to contribute to the development of navigation algorithms.
- (ESA) Satellite/Terrestrial Hybrid Localization Systems
- Period: 03/2014 - 02/2017.
- Funding source: European Space Agency (ESA).
- Reference: ESA NPI 358/2013.
- Objectives: To develop techniques and assess the performance on the hybridization of GNSS and LTE measurements.
- SGR2014 - Recognized and Funded Consolidated Research Group
- Period: 01/2014 - 12/2016.
- Funding source: Generalitat de Catalunya.
- Reference: 2014 SGR 1586.
- Objectives: The government of Catalonia has recognized and funded SPCOMNAV as consolidated research group.
- (ESA) Hybrid Navigation and Mass-Market Receivers Platform
- Period: 10/2013 - 09/2014.
- Funding source: European Space Agency (ESA).
- Reference: ESTEC TEC-ETN/2013.89/PCr.
- Objectives: UAB provided support to the performance assessment, development of analysis tool, integration of the test bench and experimention on mass-market navigation receivers.
- (ESA) ADAPT - Adaptive Tracking Techniques for Navigation Signals
- Period: 09/2013 - 05/2015
- Funding source: European Space Agency (ESA).
- Reference: ESTEC/ITT AO/1-7389/12/NL/AK.
- Objectives: UAB will study time-varying tracking loops and innovative adaptive tracking techniques to be used in next-generation GNSS receivers.
- Partners: GMVIS (Portugal), EPFL (Switzerland).
- (ESA) MOON-GNSS - Weak GNSS Signal Navigation on the Moon
- Period: 11/2012 - 10/2013.
- Funding source: European Space Agency (ESA).
- Reference: ESTEC/ITT AO/1-7097/12/NL/AT.
- Objectives: UAB will analyze and define the weak signal processing algorithms allowing GNSS receivers to operate under very low C/N0, time-varying and nonlinear spacecraft dynamics.
- Partners: GMV (Spain).
- MULTIPOS - Multi-Technology Positioning Professionals
- Period: 10/2012 - 09/2016.
- Funding source: EC Marie Curie Action, Multi-Partner Initial Training Network.
- Reference: FP7-PEOPLE-2012-ITN 316528.
- Objectives: To bridge the gap between the lower technology layer and upper application layer involved in wireles mobile location.
- Partners: TUT - Tampere University of Technology (Finland), Chalmers University of Technology (Sweden), The University of Nottingham (UK), Ecole Nationale de l'Aviation Civile (France), Honeywell (Czech Republic), Stichting VU (The Netherlands), Pildo Consulting (Spain), GMV (Spain).
- California-Catalunya Engineering Innovation Program
- Period: 10/2012 - 09/2013 (4th consecutive contract).
- Funding source: Univeristy of California at Irvine, Pete Balsells (Bal Seal Engineering), GMV Aerospace and Defence S.A.
- Objectives: The project deals with positioning aspects of Long Term Evolution (LTE).
- Partners: University of California, Irvine.
- (EC) iGNSSrx - Integrity GNSS Receivers
- Period: 06/2012 - 01/2015.
- Funding source: European Commission (EC).
- Reference: ENTR/129/PP/ENT/SP2/11/6602.
- Objectives: UAB will contribute to the design of signal processing algorithms for providing integrity to GNSS receivers. In particular, in front of potential threats such as the presence of multipath, non line-of-sight, interference or spoofing.
- Partners: GMV (Spain), NSL (UK), TRL (UK).
- (ESA) ROCAT - Robust Carrier Tracking
- Period: 07/2012- 12/2017.
- Funding source: European Space Agency (ESA).
- Reference: ESTEC/ITT AO/1-6918/11/NL/AT.
- Objectives: UAB will contribute to the design of advanced signal processing techniques for robust carrier tracking in GNSS receivers. The goal is to cope with the technical challenges that prevent current GNSS receivers to operate under harsh working conditions such as high user dynamics, strong fading and scintillation effects.
- Partners: GMVIS (Portugal), Instituto de Telecomunicaçoes (Portugal).
- Ambiguity Mitigation in High-Order BOC Signals
- Period: 03/2012 - 03/2015.
- Funding source: Ministerio de Economía.
- Reference: EIC-ESA-2011-0080
- Objectives: Development of ambiguity mitigation techniques for high-order BOC signals of future GNSS systems.
- Partners: European Space Agency (ESA).
- Anti-jamming and Anti-spoofing in GNSS Systems
- Period: 03/2012 - 03/2015.
- Funding source: Ministerio de Economía.
- Reference: EIC-ESA-2011-0079
- Objectives: Experimentation with laboratory equipment in order to assess the impact of jamming/spoofing attacks on current GNSS receivers.
- Partners: European Space Agency (ESA).
- (ESA) PRESTIGE Programme
- Period: 09/2010 - 08/2013.
- Funding source: European Space Agency (ESA).
- Objectives: Reinforce education and research in the area of the design of new GNSS signals. In this context, the ESA PRESTIGE programme funds internships for master and PhD students to be carried out during 6 months at the university and during 6 months at ESTEC.
- California-Catalunya Engineering Innovation Program
- Period: 10/2011 - 09/2012 (3rd consecutive contract).
- Funding source: Univeristy of California at Irvine, Pete Balsells (Bal Seal Engineering), Generalitat de Catalunya, Indra Espacio S.A.
- Objectives: The project deals with scheduling and synchronization aspects of Long Term Evolution (LTE).
- Partners: University of California, Irvine.
- California-Catalunya Engineering Innovation Program
- Period: 10/2010 - 09/2011 (2nd consecutive contract).
- Funding source: Univeristy of California at Irvine, Pete Balsells (Bal Seal Engineering), Generalitat de Catalunya, Indra Espacio S.A.
- Objectives: The project deals with implementations aspects of integrated communication and positioning systems.
- Partners: University of California, Irvine.
- Technical support to the test phase of CCC algorithms in EGNOS NLLP ground stations
- Period: 05/2010 - 07/2010.
- Funding source: Indra Espacio.
- Reference: private contract.
- Objectives: Provide technical support to the test phase of code-carrier coherennce algorithms in L1/L5 links of EGNOS NLLP ground stations.
- XALOC - Xarxes de sensors per a la gestió d'aparcaments públics i localitzacio
- Period: 10/2009 - 06/2010.
- Funding source: Agència de Gestió d’Ajuts Universitaris i de Recerca (INFOREGIO).
- Reference: 2009REGIO-0016.
- Objectives: Design of a car parking platform based on wireless sensor networks (WSN). UAB will contribute with the development of WSN- and WIFI-based positioning systems devoted to efficiently guide the drivers to available parking spaces.
- SINTONIA - SIstemas No Tripulados Orientados al Nulo Impacto Ambiental
- Period: 12/2009 - 12/2012.
- Funding source: CDTI (CENIT).
- Reference: CEN20091001.
- Objectives: Design of UAVs based on the minimization of the ambient impact. UAB will contribute in the design of distributed communications and detection for on-board monitoring based on wireless sensor networks.
- California-Catalunya Engineering Innovation Program
- Period: 10/2009 - 09/2010.
- Funding source: Univeristy of California at Irvine, Pete Balsells (Bal Seal Engineering), Generalitat de Catalunya.
- Objectives: The project deals with receiver and signal processing aspects of integrated communication and positioning systems.
- Partners: University of California at Irvine.
- Infraestructura de Investigación para la Integración de GNSS con Sistemas de Comunicación
- Period: 09/2009 - 09/2012.
- Funding source: Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación, Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional (FEDER).
- Reference: UNAB08-4E-005.
- Objectives: To consolidate the research infrastructure (GNSS equipment, computing servers, etc.) of the SPCOMNAV group.
- (ESA) ADIBEAM - Adaptive Digital Beamforming Techniques for GNSS Receivers
- Period: 07/2009 - 07/2010.
- Funding source: European Space Agency (ESA).
- Reference: ESTEC/ITT AO/1-5934/08/NL/AT.
- Objectives: UAB will be contribute to the design of the algorithms for future Galileo ground reference stations employing antenna arrays to reduce multipath, interference and noise effects.
- Partners: Indra Espacio (Spain), DLR (Germany), TTI (Spain).
- Design of CCC algorithms for EGNOS NLLP ground stations
- Period: 05/2009 - 07/2009.
- Funding source: Indra Espacio.
- Reference: private contract.
- Objectives: Design the estimation and control algorithms for maintaining code-carrier coherence in L1/L5 links of EGNOS NLLP ground stations.
- SGR2009 - Recognized and Funded Research Group
- Period: 01/2009 - 12/2013.
- Funding source: Generalitat de Catalunya.
- Reference: 2009 SGR 298.
- Objectives: The government of Catalonia has recognized and funded SPCOMNAV as emerging research group.
- PEGASE - Support to GSA for the GAMMA-A project
- Period: 06/2009 - 06/2011.
- Funding source: European GNSS Supervisory Authority (GSA) - European Commission.
- Reference: Serive Contract M52_9237, GSA Grant Agreement 2277688..
- Objectives: To provide technical support and consultancy regarding the GAMMA-A (Galileo Receiver for Mass Market Applications in the Automotive Area) project.
- Coordinator: France Développement Conseil (FDC).
- INTEGRA - Investigación en Tecnologías para la Gestión de la Migración
- Period: 03/2008 - 02/2012.
- Funding source: CENIT Project, Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation.
- Reference: CDTI - CENIT-2008-1018.
- Objectives: UAB will be in charge of the design of some communication and navigation systems for the monitoring entities.
- Partners: Telvent, Knosos, Aertec, Amper Programas, Amper Sistemas, Biometric, Boeing, GMV, Integrasys, Isdefe, Ngaro, S21sec, SHS, Vaelsys.
- Design of Location-Aware Physical and Link Layers in Cooperative Communication Systems
- Period: 01/2009 - 12/2011.
- Funding source: Fundamental Research Project of the Ministry of Science and Innovation.
- Reference: TEC2008-06305.
- Objectives: The project addresses the following three topics:
- Cooperative strategies
- Distributed algorithms for synchronization, estimation, resource allocation, detection.
- Network coding.
- (ESA) DINGPOS - Signal Processing Techniques and Demonstrator for Indoor GNSS Positioning
- Period: 09/2007 - 04/2009.
- Funding source: European Space Agency (ESA).
- Reference: AO/1-5328/06/NL/GLC.
- Objectives: Design and implementation of two positioning platforms for urban and indoor environments based on the integration of a pure positioning system (GPS) with communications systems (Wifi, Zigbee) and MEMS. The goal of this project is to show how localization can benefit from communication systems initially not planned for that purpose. UAB was in charge of implementing a HS-GNSS software receiver [datasheet] and an outdoor-aided indoor receiver.
- Partners: GMV, Thales Alenia Space France, Skysoft, Nemerix, Nokia, Advanced Digital Institute.
- The DINGPOS project appears in ESA news [pdf].
- ATLANTIDA - Aplicación de Tecnologías Líder a Aeronaves No Tripuladas para la Investigación y Desarrollo de ATM
- Period: 10/2007 - 12/2010.
- Funding source: CENIT Project, Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation.
- Reference: CDTI - CENIT-2007-2008-00006531.
- Objectives: Design the communication and navigation systems of a fleet of unmanned air vehicles (UVAs). This fleet is an example of multi-hop cooperative networks, one the main research lines of SPCOMNAV. This project is an excellent opportunity to test and validate theoretical cooperative strategies in a real environment.
- Partners: Boeing, Atos Origin, Indra, Iberia, Aernnova, Aerovision, Aertec, Caton, GMV, Indra Sistemas, Isdefe, Insa, Intelligent Dialogue Systems, Integrasys, MDU, Altran, Qualitas Training, TCP, TTI.
- INTERRURAL - Internet Rural mediante Redes Heterogéneas e Itinerantes
- Period: 03/2007 - 02/2008.
- Funding source: Spanish Ministry of Industry, Tourism and Commerce.
- Reference: PROFIT FIT-330210-2007-57.
- Objectives: Show the benefits of heterogeneous networks to provide digital contents in rural environments. SPCOMNAV has deployed a WiMAX network in the UAB campus and has performed experimental test on the potential of heterogeneous networks.
- Partners: IBER-X, Hispasat, Telefonica I+D, Gigle Semiconductor.
- Period: 10/2006 - 09/2007.
- Funding source: EXPLORA Project, Spanish Ministry of Science and Education.
- Reference: ESP2006-26372-E.
- Objectives: Performing initial studies on scenarios, techniques and protocols for long-distance quantum communications. Analyze the quantum capacity of communication channels for different configurations.
- Period: 10/2006 - 09/2007.
- Funding source: Mier Comunicaciones S.A.
- Reference: private contract.
- Objectives: Design of CDMA algorithms for the acquisition and tracking of Galileo integrity signals.
- Period: 03/2006 - 12/2006.
- Funding source: Tinytronic S.L.
- Reference: private contract.
- Objectives: Design of a new telemetry receiver for animal positioning applications using digital signal processing techniques.