Anna Kolomijeca

Former member

+34 93 586 8016
+34 93 581 4031
Dpt. Telecommunications and Systems Engineering
UAB – School of Engineering
Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (UAB)
Bellaterra 08193 - Barcelona (Spain)


Anna holds an Engineering Degree in Chemical Technology (2010) from Riga Technical University (Latvija) and a PhD in Physics from Technical University Berlin (Germany). Anna has a vast international work experience, which includes Erasmus internship in France at MSC (Matière et Systèmes Complexes), a scholarship in Norway at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU), secondment in France at IFREMER oceanographic center, research cruise in the Arctic and a short placement at Vree University Amsterdam. Currently she is a postdoctoral researcher at Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (UAB), where she works on the European Marie Curie project MultiPos.

Research interests

Her research interests include latest technological developments in the field of Navigation, incorporating sensors with social as well as environmental applications.

Recent publications

  • A. Kolomijeca, E. Lohan, J. A. Lopez-Salcedo, G. Seco-Granados, "GNSS applications: personal safety concerns", Proc. International Conference on Localization and GNSS (ICL-GNSS), Jun 28 2016, [link].