

Seminar "Hybrid Lunar Satellite and Cooperative Radio Navigation" by Dr. Robert Pöhlmann from DLR

The SPCOMNAV research group organizes the following seminar on Wednesday, October 9th, 16h-17h, Room: Engineering School QC/3115.3 Seminari G.


Lucía Pallarés awarded a scholarship funded by the IEEE Signal Processing Society (SPS)

Our PhD student, Lucía Pallarés, has been awarded one of the fourty scholarships that the IEEE Signal Processing Society (SPS) Scholarship Program awarded in its inaugural year. See IEEE announcement [here].The SPS Scholarship Program recognizes students who have ...


Gonzalo Seco-Granados receives 2021 IEEE Signal Processing Society Best Paper Award

The paper "Channel Estimation and Performance Analysis of One-Bit Massive MIMO Systems" that was published in IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, August 2017 received the 2021 ...


Ten abstracts selected for ION GNSS+ 2015

Members of SPCOMNAV are participating in 10 papers that have been preselected for the ION GNSS+ 2015 conference. ION GNSS+ is the flagship conference for GNSS research and development worldwide. This is an extraordinary accomplishment resulting from the very intense activity ...


Post Doctoral Position on GNSS Signal Processing

Our group offers a postdoc position on GNSS Signal Processing.All the information about the call can be found at Applications will be evaluated as they are received and the call will be closed once the position is filled. 


Post-doc position granted by "Alianza 4 Universidades"

Dr. Joaquin Escudero Garzás has joined our group as a post-doc researcher funded by the "Alianza 4 Universidades". Dr. Escudero Garzás obtained with Ph.D. degree from Universidad Carlos III de Madrid in 2010, and he will be working on ...


SPCOMNAV selected for the European Space Agency PRESTIGE Programme

The SPCOMNAV group has been selected to participate in the PRESTIGE Programme of the European Space Agency. 


Ph.D. Degree Dissertation

Ph.D. student Antoni Morell successfully completed his Ph.D. dissertation "A Convex Decomposition Perspective on Dynamic Bandwidth Allocation and Applications" advised by Prof. Gonzalo Seco-Granados on September 23rd, 2008. Abstract: Traditionally, multiple access schemes in multi-user communications systems have ...